
Todconnect Business Network Constitution as of June 2019
The group shall be known for all purposes as Todconnect
The aim of Todconnect shall be to facilitate networking and mutual support between businesses of all types who are either based in the town of Todmorden of for whom the town is their principle trading area.
Todconnect also aims to provide a forum through which local businesses can engage with other bodies such as the local Council, other networking bodies, and such like.
In order to carry out our aims Todconnect will:
- Apply for raise/ funds, accept donations, and apply such to carry out the work of Todconnect;
- Work with similar groups and exchange information and advice with such groups;
- Organize courses and events;
- Undertake any other activities deemed appropriate to achieving of the aims;
- Conform to any relevant requirements of the law to achieve the aims
Membership to Todconnect shall be open to any individual or business who is based in, or whose principal trading area is, the town of Todmorden, or supports these businesses, and be without regard to disability, age, political or religious affiliation, race, gender or sexual orientation, and whom are:
- Interested in helping the network to achieve its aim;
- Willing to abide by the rules of Todconnect
Any individual or business who is not able to meet these full criteria shall be able to access any activities or meetings Todconnect stages, but not have voting rights in Todconnect.
The membership of a Member may be terminated for good reason by the Management Committee, provided that the Member concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Management Committee, accompanied by a supporter, before a final decision is made.
Todconnect shall be managed by a committee no fewer than three and no more than nine individuals selected at the Todconnect’s Annual General Meeting.
The Officers of the Management Committee shall be:
- One Chair
- One secretary
- One Treasurer
The Officers shall be elected once a year at the Annual General Meeting.
The Management Committee may co-opt onto the committee individuals, in an advisory and non-voting capacity, who it feels will help to fulfill the aim of Todconnect.
The Management Committee shall meet no less than four times a year and carry out the day to day operation of Todconnect as needed and agreed on an ongoing basis.
At least three Management Committee members must be present for a Management Meeting to take place.
Voting at Management Committee meetings shall be a show of hands in the event that a consensus cannot be reached.
The Management Committee as a whole shall have the power to remove any individual member of the committee for good and proper reason. The Management Committee may appoint any other Member of the Todconnect network as a Management Committee member to fill a vacancy.
The duties of the chair shall include:
- Chairing meetings of the Management Committee;
- Representing Todconnect at functions and meetings to which the Network has been invited;
- Acting as spokesperson for the Forum
The duties of the Secretary shall include;
- Prepare, alongside with the Chairperson, the agenda for committee meetings;
- Take minutes ay all meetings;
- Produce and maintain Todconnect’s documentation;
- Hold ‘Member Contact Details’ and organize communications with members where necessary.
The Duties of the Treasurer shall include;
- Administrative and financial affairs of Todconnect , including budgeting and preparing accounts for any audit;
- Keep accounts of financial transactions and ensure all relevant financial paperwork is kept (ie invoices and receipts etc ) in order to allow the accounts to be checked by an ‘outside examiner’;
- To inform the committee of the financial position at each meeting bringing to notice the financial implications of any decisions taken;
- Be aware of possible sources of funding;
- Ensure Todconnect has adequate insurance if needed;
- Prepare, alongside the rest of the committee, a forward financial plan.
All monies received by, or on behalf of, Todconnect shall be applied to further the aims of Todconnect and for no other purpose.
Any bank accounts opened for Todconnect shall be in the network’s name.
Todconnect shall ensure that its accounts are independently examined every year if the Members ask for this.
Todconnect may pay reasonable out of pocket expenses, including travel and childcare, to members or Management Committee members, provided that Todconnect has sufficient funds to do so. This will be in accordance with guidelines from HMRC.
Todconnect will have three signatories to sign all cheques and any payments must be authorized by two signatories.
Todconnect shall hold an Annual General Meeting each year.
At the AGM the current officers of the Management Committee shall retire, but may offer themselves up for re-election.
All members shall be given at least 21 day’s notice of the AGM and shall be entitled to attend.
At least five members must be present for the AGM and any other General Meeting to take place.
The business of the AGM shall include;
- Receiving a report about Todconnect activities over the year from the Chairperson;
- Electing a New Management Committee;
- Considering any other matter as it may be decided.
A special General Meeting may be called by the Management Committee to discuss an urgent matter. All Members shall be given fourteen days’ notice, together with notice of the business to be discussed.
Todconnect may be wound up at any time. In the event of winding up, any assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be given to another group with a similar aim.
This constitution was adopted on by members of the Management Committee whose names, addresses and signatures appear at the bottom of this document with the dates of its adoption.